Why I won’t get the vaccine.

Annabella Crystal
2 min readJun 12, 2021

Yet again. Here we are again. Again and again and again.

You, the PATRIARCHY. Yeah, you! This has EVERYTHING to do with you. The patriarchy INFILTRATES, PERMEATES, in every aspect of our lives , in areas that only the most AWAKE can see. Competition over collaboration. Conquest over community. The priorities of economy over enviornment, the priorities MEN choose for us.

The number of men in political/governmental power, globally. The number of times you have ALL collectively fucked up our GLOBAL WORLD for your power, your mistakes, your misalignment with the needs of your citizens. Your “small misses”. The things you easily overlook. Yeah, you look great in that Tom Ford suit, but can you DECIPHER how/when to make a good decision for the WORLD?

I’m not specifically anti-vaxx. But you are asking me, yet AGAIN to put something/do something with my body for the sake of your mistakes and I haven’t heard one apology from any leader for this DISASTER.

I am ANTI-you-keep-fucking-up-and-yet-you-want-me-to-continue-to-keep-bearing-the-blunt-of-your-mistakes? The fact that I even have to make a decision like this. The fact that I play by the rules, I stayed home, I’m still home. And this is still going on one year later.


I’m a fantastic citizen. I take my 10 minute showers, I wash one load per week, I cook in bulk, I’m vegan, I’m conscientious of everyone around me, I watch my tone, I’m anti-racist, I compost, I’m conservative with my consumption at all levels.

And you are asking ME, again, to do SOMETHING to protect YOUR mistakes.

So NO, until I hear the biggest “I’m Sorry” from EVERY leader on the planet, or here’s I dunno, let’s say, 50k. Because your measely $1400 per month AINT SHIT.

I WILL NOT GET THE VACCINE until we have more women in political power, less MACHISMO, less DECISIONS based on your ego, your dick size. Stop subliminally raping up every chance you get.

Yup, I’m fucking angry. You want me to be sweet? You want me to be quiet? Fuck you. I’m sick of sitting here in silence watching you walk all over us, EVERY FUCKING DAY.

